Between August 20th and 25th, a meeting of all Carmelite students from Europe is being held at the Domus Carmeli in Fatima. This event, held every three years, brings together all the students and their formators of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCD) in order to get to know each other better and reflect together our charism in the world of today
The choice of Fatima is related to the desire...
Our Doctors of the Church speak volumes with few words, and noteworthy figures in Carmelite history amplify what they have written.
Beginning with St Teresa's relationship with the "fallen priest" of Becedas (The Life, Chap. 5), this blog post permits our Doctors to speak to our crisis today. At this link you'll find the post
A Carmelite response to the sexual abuse crisis: “Oh! how necessary...
Brother Elias of Jesus Crucified consecrated himself to God definitively last Friday, August 3 when he publically made his solemn profession at Saint Teresa’s Church in Cospicua.
The church was full with a large representation from Gozo, the birth island of Father Elias.
It was a joyous celebration with a magnificent choir. Most of our Fathers present for this beautiful occasion.
«Itlob għalina midimbin, issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna, Ammen». Din it-talba li P.
Alessandru kien illissen b’tant devozzjoni għal mijiet ta’ drabi ta’ kulljum matul dawn l-aħħar 85
sena hi l-frażi li tista’ tgħinna nifhmu l-persuna li llum qegħdin insellmu u li se nroddu l-ġisem
tiegħu lura lill-art.
Midinbin iva imma mimlijin tama f’Alla, fil-ħniena tiegħU u f’Marija,...
Twieled Carmel, B'Kara 8.11.1932 Bin Giovanni u Carmela Mamo.
Novizzjat 16.1.1949, Bormla.
Professjoni temporanja 22.1.1950, Bormla.
Solenni 14.5.1955, Ġenova.
Ordinazzjoni 20.12.1958, Valletta
Attenda l-Kulleġġ tal-Patrijiet Karmelitani tal-Belt, minn fejn fl-1949 daħal novizz Karmelitan Tereżjan. Wara l-ewwel professjoni ssokta l-istudji fil-kunvent ta' B'Kara, u fl-1952...
The Carmelites have been present in Malta at least since 1418! Six hundred years…
There were various friars and religious that were renowned for their sanctity. Among these is Fr Avertan Fenech whose case for Beatification is currently underway. We also find many learned friars. Among these is the poet of Our Lady, Fr Anastasio Cuschieri.
Today the Calced Carmelites serve 4 parishes, the Priory...
“The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps…”
Araw x’qed nagħmlu ġewwa Tas-Silġ ħalli jkollna żejt fil-kwies!!!
BEIRUT (CNS) -- Amid the destruction in war-torn Syria, a community of Discalced Carmelites in Aleppo perseveres in its mission of continuous prayer and help to families in need.
The Carmelite nuns, four of whom are Syrian and two French, are in their quiet demeanor "a message of peace and a spiritual message of hope," said the provincial of the Discalced Carmelite Fathers in Lebanon, Father Raymond...
Yesterday, Sunday July 15th, our Fathers held the only public procession that the ‘Terezjani’ hold in Malta on the occasion the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This was held in B’kara.
This is a yearly event that still attracts a considerable number of people. Mount Carmel is referred to several times throughout Sacred Scripture. It was on Mount Carmel that Elijah defended the purity...
And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them. Mark 6:13
We shall soon have our own olive oil facility. At Tas-Silg, our Fathers are in the process of building a small olive oil extraction facility that can process procuring the oil present in olive drupes.
This facility can be used by all our convents if they have olive trees in their...