During the months of January and February, our first Definitor, Father Agustí Borrell, from Spain carried out a pastoral visit to the Province of Central Italy. Created in 2014 by the union of the old Roman and Tuscan provinces, it has at the moment 50 solemnly professed members spread in 11 communities. The medium age is 76 years. They have five students in formation, two of which come from Albania.
It is called the Definitory General and it is the top brass operating council of our Order. It is made up of eight Fathers, chosen by the members of the Order and they reside in Rome but they travel all over the world to sustain and encourage the Fathers and Sisters. Every three months they gather together to discuss the issues of our Order.
Their last meeting was between the 5th to the 14th of March....
Recently, between the 29th of January and the 2nd of February, a meeting of Discalced Carmelite formators took place at the Teresianum in Rome. Its central topic was: “The world of the youth of today”.
Our provincial, Father Juan Debono, was one of the main organizers of this meeting. This topic was developed by means of three conferences, after each of which the assembly worked in groups.
Fil-Gazzetta ‘KULĦADD’ għadu kif deher artiklu fuq patri tereżjan li hu ta’ interess kbir
JANNAR 7, 2018
Minkejja li ilu mejjet ’il fuq minn 100 sena, il-marka żelanti u umanitarja li ħalla warajh P. Gerardo Beccaro ta’ San Ġużepp, għadha tinħass sew fl-Italja, pajjiżu, kif ukoll f’artijiet imbiegħda fejn ħadem bħala missjunarju.
Imwieled ġewwa...
The social media speak very little about it but the situation of the Republic of Central Africa is tragic. Central Africa includes, among others, Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Congo and Equatorial Guinea. Eighty percent of the land is occupied by rebel groups and the State has not managed to curb them and has been unable to reestablish its authority in much of the country.
Furthermore, according to the statistics...
Just recently, the famous restorers PREVARTI renovated to its original beauty a late
17 th century picture, oil on canvas depicting Saint John the Baptist painted by none
other than Mattia Preti. This masterpiece is found in the Church of Saint Teresa in
Built in 1626, Saint Teresa’s Church in Cospicua is an architectural gem on a
baroque-rococo style. The adjacent priory served...
On Thursday January 11th, Father Daniel Chowning, IV Definitor of our Discalced Carmelite Order, will be visiting our small province here in Malta. The purpose of such visits from our superiors is to promote communion and encourage us in our life and work here in Malta.
During his six-day fraternal visit, Father Daniel will tour our four convents (Cospicua, B’kara, Tas-Silg and Ta’ Xbiex)...
The Holy Father Pope Francis has appointed His Eminence Anders Arborelius, O.C.D., bishop of Stockholm (Sweden) as Member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, one of the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia.
Father Arborelius, OCD, (born 24 September 1949) is a Swedish Catholic bishop. He has been the Bishop of Stockholm since 1998. Pope Francis made him a Cardinal, the first...
On 28th October, 2007, in Saint Peter’s Square Rome, Cardinal Saraiva Martins beatified 498 martyrs who had died in Spain during the civil war. Among them were 32 Discalced Carmelites, including Fr. Eufrasio of the Child Jesus and Fr. Eusebius of the Child Jesus who led a group of 15 martyrs in Toledo.
On the first year anniversary, a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated in the church of the Discalced...
Tuesday November 28th was a historical day for the Discalced Carmelite Fathers in Malta.
Father Martin Borg, prior in our convent in Cospicua, had the honor of being the first ever friar in Malta to be made a CANON in the Collegiate Chapter of Cospicua.
Bormla saret parroċċa fis-sena 1586 u l-knisja, iddedikata lit-Tnissil bla Tebgħa tal-Verġni Marija, hi knisja kolleġġjata mis-sena...